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Countryside - rainy damp valleys with rivers and forests flowing from the hill...

rainy damp valleys with rivers and forests flowing from the hill

warm tea clotted cream jam and scones do remind me

hills towering above Kidwelly castle with

pylon clusters like contemporary art across the land

rain coming in waves like the tide across

mist rich grey skies

hills at forty-five degrees with fields packed in

someone styled cubism on them

it’s surrealistic and here

there are some more castrated hedges and fences

shabby roads along not so shabby views

of brushstrokes swades of gorse

white flecks of fluff speckled

between lush greens

holly Hazel ivy blackberry hedges and heather

clusters of black livestock

breaking the Picasso blues and green

hedgerows snaking around sandstone fields

on mounds packed together right up

to nearly tipping into the sea

with wind turbines planted for children to pick

This poem was published in Golden Hour - Hora Dorada

you can buy it by send a message with your address to it costs 12€ + postage

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